Saturday, 27 November 2010

Scripting Radio Advert

Vox pop: The coast

Vox pop: The faces of the people i love

Vox pop: Blackpool

Vox pop: An autumn day

Vox pop: Dark, gray and rainy

Voice over: Does the sight of cakes make your mouth water?

SFX: Umm...

VO: Does the sight of a spider scare you?


VO: Does the sight of blood make your stomach turn?

SFX: Ughh!

VO: Does the sight of your favourite band get you dancing?

SFX: Tapping of feet

VO: Does the sight of a roller coaster get your heart racing?

SFX: Heartbeat

Margret Ross (clip from documentary: "Two weeks after Christmas they told me they couldn't save the sight of the right eye"

VO: Non-sense. What are you looking at? New series starting with sight. Thursday at 9 on channel 4

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