Phenomenon of Lara Croft
Representation of Women
Power of the media
Influencing peoples thoughts about the representation of women.
Closed narrative structure
Non linear
Single strand
left or right of the screen
Eye line third of the way down the screen
Close up/medium close up/big close up
Low angle was used
The Barbie sequence was in extreme close up.
Whips pans
Tracking shot of the cyber cafe
Extreme close up of keyboard and the screen.
They use chromakey, to get a moving background
In the interview it is out of focus to not distract attention from the interview
Age 20’s
Someone who would of played the game when it came out.
Interview of man on computer screen was filtered – he was the creator of the computer game so they put him in the computer
Fast motion of man going up and downstairs in the cyber cafe.
Tomb raider film
Tombraider game
All had "That Thing" at the end
White Sans Seriff, all lower case
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