Male - 8
Female - 22
This shows that our results may be biased. We will take this into account when planning our documentary as it may affect the colours we use or the gender of the voice over.
How old are you?
What channel do you watch the most out of the following?
What time are you most likely to watch a documentary?
These results may have been affected by the age of the people we questioned. As a large amount of them were between 16 - 25 they are less likely to watch TV in the daytime. However, if we'd had asked people such as housewives and the unemployed then the answers may have been different. We will take this into account when making our final decisions.
How often do you watch documentaries?
This will help us to decide on the colour scheme we use in the documentary.
What is your favorite genre of music?
Do you wear glasses?
No - 18
No - 15
- Selective hearing
- Tinnitus
- General problems
- Labyrinthitis
- Ear infections
- Half death
What is your favorite smell?
What is your least favorite smell?
Have you ever broken a bone?
Yes - 15
No - 15
What sense could you live without?
What is your favorite sense?
What channel do you watch the most out of the following?
What is your favorite genre of music?
How loud do you have your music?
What is your favorite smell?
What is your favorite sense?
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